Recommended Requirements for Mac OS X or WindowsĪlso for Windows users, don’t worry!! Know: Should be an Administrator on your computer Should be an Administrator of your computer
Up-to-date graphics driver with support for OpenGL 2.1 (or higher) Graphics driver with support for OpenGL 2.1 Your system needs to meet the following criteria to install and use Bluestacks successfully:ĪMD or Intel Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread PassMark score of 1500ĪTI/Nvidia/Intel, Onboard or Discrete controller with PassMark score of 750 What are the System Requirements for Bluestacks? Why BlueStacks is not working on my Mac.Does BlueStacks make your computer slow?.How do I download BlueStacks on my Mac 2021.How do I get BlueStacks on my Mac Big Sur?.What are the System Requirements for Bluestacks?.Once the installation is complete, you will be asked to log in to your Google account. Allow security and privacy by clicking Open Security & Privacy. A pop-up message might appear saying “System Extension Blocked.”. Click Install Helper after entering your username and password. To install, click the Install Now button. An installer might ask you for your confirmation. Launch Bluestacks by double-clicking its icon. Open the installer once it has been downloaded. Go to the Bluestacks website to download the application. Google account login is required to help install games from Google Play Store and for troubleshooting issues just the way it is on your phone. Why does BlueStacks need me to log in to my Google account? Although there is a paid version as well, however, that doesn’t affect the gaming experience in any way. Yes, the Android Emulator is free to download. Please note, we are presently working on making BlueStacks 5 available for macOS To update to BlueStacks 5, simply download it from this page or visit. Open the App Player, click on the top left corner of your screen.In case you are using a Mac, do the following

If an update is available, you can download and install it by clicking on ‘Download now’.Click on ‘About’ on the Settings window.Open the App Player, click on the gear icon on the side toolbar for Settings.Follow the steps below to update BlueStacks on your Windows PC